gender baby morrill is. She is a little baby girl but
most importantly, well fortunately, that she is a
healthy baby girl. Whitney was soooo excited, not
saying I wasn't, but I am thinking she was just a
little more than me. We have also decided on her
name. Kennadee, Kennadey, Kennadie, Kennedy
or Kennadi. Some input would be nice because we
have not quite decided the spelling
Congrats! I am so excited to do a little bow shopping (or alot). I am not sure about the spelling yet...I'll have to practice and let you know :)
Wow!!! So awesome! Congrats you guys. As far as the spelling goes, I'm a teacher and pretty strict about phonics and easy to read names, so I would go for Kennedy or Kennedee. Yeah!
I agree with Kristen, you get too "original" and then it just looks stupid. Trust someone who knows, it gets old spelling your name correctly for everyone. On the other hand, you know how well someone knows you if they spell your name right. I think my vote, and we know what that's worth, is for Kennedee. You've definitely helped tipped the scales in the girls favor in our family! Conrats, I'm so excited!!
First of all, Whitney, you look great and your hair is awesome. Second, congrats on a girl! How fun for you follow up a boy with a girl. It's also cool that since Jerik and Haden are the same age, you and Haley can have girls about the same age, too! As far as the name: I like Kennedy because it's traditional and will be mis-spelled less often this way. But, I also love double letters adn Kennedee is fun to write :O
Congrats guys, no doubt about it Kennedy, Kennedy Kennedy!!!!
I have to say that Kennedee has to be out. Kennedee Ann Morrill is a lot of double letters. I like the traditional way too. I still like ending with the 'i' though too. Congrats! Now I guess I need to finally get a blog, so I can get help with the name for our baby.
HELLO----Time for a new post :)
Still waiting . . . . .
and waiting
and WAITING (okay, I had to do it)
Hello! Waiting!
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